Monday, August 29, 2011

Veggie by Veggie: Part 1

Here's some info and pictures of how each veggie in the community garden is doing.  There's a lot so I'm going to do this in two parts.

Herbs: The herb section of the garden got a little bit out of control.  The weeds grew faster than the plants.  Sometimes there weren't enough people to do the weeding and this part of the garden wasn't the priority.  The dill is dead, the tarragon is huge, the cilantro is hard to pick out amongst the weeds, and the chives are doing pretty well.  As things in the rest of the garden are slowing down a little, we'll have a chance to work on picking some weeds and picking out the herbs.
I spy some cilantro.  Can you pick it out?
It's very hard to tell what's weed and what's herb.

Cucumbers: The cucumbers did very well!  There were lots and lots of cucumbers- bushels full!  There are quite a few left still on the vines, but their growth is slowing down.
This poor cucumber didn't get picked in time.  Sometimes it's hard to find the veggies in all the vines and leaves.
One beautiful cucumber hanging on the fence.

Beans: There are green, purple, and wax beans growing quite well.  We had a little difficulty getting the beans started- the rabbits helped themselves and some of the seeds just didn't grow.  Once we got the fence up and planted some more seeds, the beans have produced well.  I had never seen purple beans growing before so I have enjoyed seeing them grow.  There are still plenty of beans growing on the plants.
Purple beans
Wax beans

Gourds: The gourds would have taken over the whole garden if we had let them!  The vines grew quickly and there are a variety of different gourds growing.  A fence was put up to try to keep the gourd plants confined to the section of the garden they are supposed to be in.  There are some neat looking gourds growing, I have to admit.  They aren't quite ready to be picked yet.
gourd vines going everywhere including along the fence.

Watermelon: We had trouble with getting the watermelon seeds to sprout.  Only a few watermelon vines grew, but I think 3 watermelons grew.  We picked one and are letting the others grow a little more.

Jalapeno peppers:  The jalapeno peppers have done VERY well.  There are dozens and dozens of them. The pickers have to wear gloves when picking them so they don't burn their fingers.  There are still plenty of jalapenos on the plants to be picked.

And here's what's to come in part two of "Veggie by Veggie":
Cherry tomatoes
Green and red bell peppers

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