Monday, September 26, 2011

September Update

The garden has made some significant changes as fall has set in.  We are still picking some veggies from the garden, but the amount we have been picking has decreased a lot over the past few weeks.  I picked the last cucumber on Saturday- the cantaloupe, onions, and watermelon are all gone as well.  The beans, jalapeno peppers, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, and regular tomatoes are all still doing quite well- there's still quite a bit that we'll be able to pick.  There are a few acorn and zucchini squash left.  Some of the Our Savior Preschoolers picked a few gourds and pumpkins to bring fall into their classroom.  Many of the pumpkins and gourds are still growing and ripening on the vines.

Below are some pictures from this week:
Overview of the garden- still looks pretty green

cucumber section- not much left

Beans are still doing quite well

the LAST cucumber


this gourd is BIG

Jalapeno peppers are still doing well

Cantaloupe vines are almost all dead

Tomatoes are still turning red

few peppers left

the broccoli plants got pulled up
The pumpkin patch!

That is a nice looking pumpkin!!!

a few zucchini squash are still growing