Friday, May 25, 2012

Seedlings: they grow up so fast

Everything is planted in the garden and seeds are quickly turning into seedlings and seedlings are quickly turning into plants!  I just love it when I go out to the garden one day and see little sprouts that weren't there the day before.

 Last weekend the youth and adults who were participating in the 30 Hour Famine helped plant the rest of the seeds and the plants in the garden.
Cucumber seeds going in 

lots and lots of tomato plants going in

Here's some highlights on how things are looking:
row of pea plants

baby cucumber plant!

Swiss Chard- this is going to be a cool plant!

Broccoli plants- already getting pretty big

potatoes on the left, onions on the right

tomato plant

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2012 Growing Season!!!

The Our Savior community garden is off to a great start!!! We are excited for what year two in the garden will bring!

The whole garden as of today.

Over the winter we evaluated what went well in the garden last year and what can go better this year.  We figured out how to properly rotate the crops and decided to try some new veggies this year.  The new veggies include potatoes, swiss chard, carrots, beets, radishes, and snow peas.

There were a couple of weeks early this spring when we had a dandelion garden!  Thanks to some amazing volunteers we took care of that problem and we also rototilled the whole garden.

We have already planted some of the early crops:

The preschoolers planted rows of beets and radishes.  They were so excited to go out and help in the garden!  They did their best to get the seeds all in a row and space them out evenly, but based on where things are growing, they didn't quite get the seeds lined up exactly right (but it's all good!).

The other early crops were: onions, potatoes, carrots, broccoli and swiss chard.

Here's the broccoli:

The potatoes and onions are GROWING!



This past Saturday we planted pumpkins, cantaloupe, zucchini, peas, beans, and acorn squash.

The next (and last) planting day is this Saturday, May 19.  We'll be working in the garden from 9:00-11:00- please join us for all or part of this time!  No gardening experience is needed- just bring some work gloves or garden tools if you have them.