Saturday, May 28, 2011

Welcome to the Our Savior Community Garden Blog!

Welcome to the blog for the community garden at Our Savior Lutheran Church!  This blog will keep everyone updated on what's happening in the garden and how you can help.

Our Savior Lutheran Church (in Carol Stream, IL) has started a community garden on the church property. The basic idea is for church members and other community members to plant various vegetable and fruit plants and seeds, tend the garden over the summer and fall, and then donate the produce to local food pantries and PADS.  We'll care for creation, learn some practical gardening skills, and ensure that people in our community have access to fresh, healthy, locally grown produce.  

On this blog we'll post about what's growing in the garden and post some photos so you can watch the progress throughout the summer and fall (although you should really go see the garden in person!).  This blog will also be the place where you can come to find out when we need volunteers and how you can help.  

We are all very excited about the creation of the garden and we are eagerly waiting to see what grows!  Check this blog often (or on the right side of the page you can sign up to get email updates whenever there is a new post on the blog) and join us in the garden!

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