Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guest Blog

Melissa, along with a small core group of people have been doing a great job with the community garden. She has spent many hours planting, weeding, fencing in, and generally caring for the community garden. She has faithfully kept this blog up to date. While she is away, I will try to add my ideas for the blog.

The garden is doing quite well, but with that come new concerns.

We need more help! To truly make this a COMMUNITY garden, we need more of the people from the church community to volunteer to maintain it. We are very thankful for the hours already spent by about 12 people removing the sod before it was plowed. That has already saved many hours of weeding. There were about 10 people who helped plant everything. A few of you have helped weed.We are grateful for this also.

The Boy Scouts are helping us with the weeding on Monday nights. They took the 4th off to enjoy our independence and will be gone July 18th, so we need extra volunteers while they are away. The Summer Camp people are helping one Wednesdays and doing a great job. But the garden is quite large.

Now that everything is growing, vegetables and weeds alike, we are entering a new phase. We will not only need to weed and water, but soon we will be harvesting and delivering the vegetables to organizations who can share them with people who truly need them.

If you have time on Saturday mornings from 9 o'clock to 10 or 10:30 or so, please come over for a while. If you are available Monday nights at 6:30 or after, this is another opportunity to come together as a community to garden together.

Our Savior is blessed with a beautiful Prayer Garden with flowers blooming throughout most of the year near the building. There is also a great labyrinth with grape vines and other plants. Please enjoy these. For me, the vegetable garden is my place to relax and pray while weeding, so that is my 'Prayer Garden'.

I thank God for all of you who have helped so far. I look forward to spending time with many others of you who I don't know as well as I would like. Young, old, or in between, there is a place for all in the community garden. Now, if you are able, please spend a few minutes at the garden, even if you can make it only once and you have no experience. See how God is already working in it. Pick a few weeds. Or just enjoy God's creation. I think you will find it rewarding. I know I do.


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