Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Veggie by Veggie: Part 2

Cantaloupe: The cantaloupe have done excellent!  There are a ton of them and they are big and look even better than cantaloupes you would buy at the store.  We have picked quite a few and there are still plenty growing on the vines.

Cherry tomatoes:  These tomatoes may be little, but there are literally hundreds of them.  The cherry tomatoes are a bit of a pain to pick because there are so many of them and it's hard to find them sometimes in the jungle of tomato plants.

Green and red bell peppers:  The bell peppers started out great- they looked good, grew quickly, and these were the first plants in the garden to bear fruit.  There have been lots of pepper- especially green peppers- but they haven't done as well as we would have hoped.  The plants are only about half the size of the jalapeno pepper plants.  There are still quite a few peppers growing though.

Tomatoes: Like the cherry tomatoes, the regular tomatoes are doing quite well.  Some of the plants have grown as tall as me (5 1/2 feet tall)!  There are lots and lots of juicy tomatoes.  There are still green ones growing and plenty getting ripe.
Look how tall they are!!!

Squash:  We planted a few different kinds of squash.  We have harvested zucchini, acorn squash, and hubbard squash.  The hubbard squash are huge!  There were lots of zucchini squash, but I haven't seen any more growing (but there may be some in the jungle of vines).  There are still quite a few acorn squash growing.
hubbard squash
acorn squash

Onions: The onions have done very well!  They grew quickly.  We have been picking a few onions once or twice a week.  There are still maybe a dozen or two dozen onions left in the ground.
onions growing in spite of the weeds

Pumpkins:  We had originally planted pie pumpkins, but the seeds unfortunately didn't germinate.  So, we planted some jack-o-lantern pumpkins.  The pumpkin section at the far end of the garden is just filled with vines, but there don't appear to be that many pumpkins- maybe a dozen or so.  A few of the pumpkins are already turning orange!
The pumpkin patch is all the leaves in the very bottom of the photo
Orange pumpkin!

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