Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First visible veggie!!!

Every time I go out into the garden there are new and exciting developments!!!  Below are some pictures of the latest developments...  

We have had an excellent crew of people who have helped with weeding (a never ending task in an organic garden) and with watering.  Thanks to everyone!!!

The most exciting thing today was the broccoli!!!  Last year we had beautiful broccoli plants grow, but they never formed any heads of broccoli (we think we planted them too late last year).  But this year, one head is already starting to form!!!

Broccoli head starting to form!

The pea plants are growing taller and are looking for something to climb on

The pumpkin vines are getting pretty sizable

the swiss chard is looking gorgeous

the colorful swiss chard!

Zucchini vines

Flowers on the potato plants

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