Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 2

Week two brought some rain (thunderstorms included) and some sun and some very hot weather.  The seeds are turning into baby plants!  Some of the seeds aren't growing yet, which makes us a little bit worried, but we're going to give them a few more days and see if anything happens.  And if nothing happens we'll plant some more seeds.  The weeds are really starting to grow, which means that we need to start picking weeds.

The tomato and pepper plants got some fertilizer- some fish emulsion fertilizer (Ray said it smelled really bad, but it should make the plants grow).  

We think some baby cucumber plants disappeared- perhaps the bunnies had a little late night snack.

The garden
Cucumber plant soaking up some sun
The chives are looking quite healthy
Bush bean plants among some grass and weeds
Cantaloupe plants coming up through the grass clippings
Red pepper plant with a flower on it!!!
The pepper plants are doing well!
This broccoli is growing quite nicely!
Look at those onions (and weeds) grow!
These squash plants weren't there two days ago and look at them now! 
The first official weeding!  Thanks Lois!!!

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