Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 5

Here's what happened in the garden during week 5:
  • The boy scout troop that meets at Our Savior, Troop 98, finally had a chance to get in the garden and work.  Up until this week there wasn't really much to for them to do.  They planted a few rows of beans where other beans hadn't come up and the scouts did some weeding.  Thanks for your help guys!!!
  • The rabbits had quite a few morning, afternoon, and midnight snacks of bean plants, cucumber plants, and the broccoli plants.
  • I got pretty upset when I saw that a lot of the leaves on the broccoli plants had been nibbled on.  The broccoli plants were/are doing so well and growing so much.  Now, this might seem a little strange, but I have a bit of a personal connection with the broccoli plants.  Broccoli is my favorite vegetable and I grew these plants from seed, so I want to see them grow and produce lots of delicious broccoli.  So when I saw all the poor broccoli plants that had been chewed on, this was when I figured we really needed to put up a fence to try to keep the little critters out.  
  • We put up a fence.  We used "rabbit fence" around most of the garden with one section of chicken wire.
  • We got a rain collection container all set up to collect rain water.  Of course it hasn't rained since we got it hooked up, but soon enough it should be filled and ready to water the plants.
Here's some pictures from the week:
Chewed up broccoli plant

Guess the bunny only wanted half

a little pumpkin plant pushing through the soil

The leaves on the Blue Hubbard squash plants are HUGE!

Pumpkin plants finally growing

Cantaloupe is doing quite well

The bunnies only left one leaf on this bean plant

Bean plant chewed down to the stem

A new cucumber plant in the foreground and one that's a few weeks old in the background

The tarragon is growing so much we had to stake and tie it up 

The Fence.

Overview of the whole garden (and the fence!)

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